Degree Programs with Financial Support

Integrated Master's-Doctoral Programs

Global Science Graduate Course (GSGC)

英語だけで学位が取得できるコースを設置することで国内外の優秀な学生を集め、修博一貫で教育研究を進め、世界的な知のプロフェッショナル を育成する。
For excellent international and domestic students to pursue an integrated Master's-Doctoral program entirely in English.
*内部生の採用は化学専攻のみ(ただし、新規留学生は全専攻で受け入れる) *UTokyo graduates accepted in Department of Chemistry only (new international students accepted in all departments)

代表研究科: 理学系研究科
Responsible Graduate School:
 School of Science

Forefront Physics and Mathematics Program to Drive Transformation (FoPM)

基礎科学の専門人材に、科学技術や社会イノベーションに広く影響を与えるためのスキルを提供することで、彼らのポテンシャルを最大化する修士博士一貫プログラム 。
An integrated Master's-Doctoral program that maximizes the potential of basic science specialists by providing them with the skills to exert a wide influence on scientific and social innovation.

代表研究科: 理学系研究科
Responsible Graduate School:
 School of Science

Program of Excellence in Photon Science (XPS)

An integrated Master's-Doctoral program focusing on the fundamental, innovative and interdisciplinary nature of photon science. It aims to train excellent graduate students to play active roles internationally in industry and academia.

代表研究科: 理学系研究科
Responsible Graduate School:
 School of Science

International Graduate Program for Excellence in Earth-Space Science (IGPEES)

宇宙の始まりから生命の起源までをシームレスに扱う学際的で国際的な修博一貫プログラム 。国際的な場で活躍できる博士人材を育成することを目指す。
An integrated Master's-Doctoral program that connects the wide range of research fields in earth-space science. It aims to train excellent graduate students to play active roles internationally.

代表研究科: 理学系研究科
Responsible Graduate School:
 School of Science

Materials Education Program for the Future Leaders in Research, Industry, and Technology (MERIT-WINGS)

最先端の物質科学研究を基盤とする国際的な修博一貫プログラム 。グローバルに活躍できるリーダーを養成することを目指す。
An integrated Master's-Doctoral program that is focused on advanced materials science. It aims to foster leaders driving progress on the global stage.
*物理学専攻・化学専攻のみ *Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry only

代表研究科: 工学系研究科
Responsible Graduate School:
 School of Engineering

WINGS-Life Science & Technology (WINGS-LST)

生命現象のしくみの解明、疾病の克服および健康の増進が中心の修博一貫プログラム 。ライフサイエンスの各分野において卓越した学識と高度な独創的研究能力を有する国際的リーダーを養成することを目指す。
An integrated Master's-Doctoral program centered on understanding the phenomenon of life, overcoming disease and promoting health. It aims to foster global leaders showing excellence in learning and originality in research in all areas of life science.
*生物科学専攻のみ *Department of Biological Sciences only

代表研究科: 医学系研究科
Responsible Graduate School:
 Graduate School of Medicine

World-leading Innovative Graduate Study for Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences and Physics (WINGS-FMSP)

諸科学や社会のイノベーションの鍵となる、基盤となる数学理論の構築・刷新が中心の修博一貫プログラム 。数学を軸とし諸科学に広がりを持つ研究領域の開拓および数学の理論を深化、創成し異分野連携ができる次世代の数学・数理科学のリーダーの養成を目指す。
An integrated Master's-Doctoral program based on the construction and renewal of mathematical theory, which underpins innovation in science and society. It aims to foster a new generation of mathematical science leaders who can create new mathematics-based research areas, and create and expand on novel mathematical theories that extend beyond the boundaries of mathematics.

代表研究科: 数理科学研究科
Responsible Graduate School:
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences

World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program in Proactive Environmental Studies (WINGS-PES)

サステイナビリティ学を基盤とする修博一貫プログラム 。高度なデータ解析と予測技術に基づくプロアクティブなアプローチを通じて、持続可能な地球社会の実現に向けた課題を先取りし、サステイナビリティ学の理念に依りつつ複雑で多義的な問題に社会が進むべき方向を提示する「環境知のプロフェッショナル」を養成する。
An integrated Master's-Doctoral program in the field of sustainability science. It aims to develop "environmental knowledge professionals" who can anticipate and lead the way to solving the complex and multi-faceted challenges that hinder the creation of a sustainable global society using sophisticated data analysis and prediction technologies.

代表研究科: 新領域創成科学研究科
Responsible Graduate School: Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

World Leading Innovative Graduate Study Program of Advanced Basic Science Course (WINGS-ABC)

基礎科学 が中心となる修博一貫プログラム 。複数の基礎科学分野の専門性に立脚することで、俯瞰的視座から基礎科学の意義と長期的なあり方を鋭く見極め、基礎科学を牽引する高い研究能力で国際的・分野横断的問題の解決を先導する人材の養成を目指す。
An integrated Master's-Doctoral program in basic science. It aims to develop scientists with a broad perspective and specialized knowledge in several basic science fields, who will ensure the development and long-term future of basic science, as well as playing a leading role in research that will solve problems crossing international and interdisciplinary boundaries.

代表研究科: 総合文化研究科
Responsible Graduate School: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

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