For Master's Students

Scholarships and Assistantships

Teaching Assistant (TA)

For outstanding students to carry out educational assistant duties and receive an honorarium for their efforts.

連絡先: 専攻事務室

Contact: Department Office

On-campus Jobs (OCJ)

For students to use the knowledge and skills they obtain during their studies and research to contribute to the running of the university. Students receive an honorarium for their efforts.

  • 理学系研究科 本郷キャンパス緑地管理の学生委託
  • Conservation of the greenery in the School of Science/Hongo Campus
  • 理学系研究科 留学生補助等(授業補助・サポーター)
  • Providing support to international students in the School of Science
  • 理学図書館のサービス支援業務
  • Working in the Science Library
  • 東京大学理学部の学生による、学生ならではの視点や専門性を生かした仕事の依頼
  • Work that requires a School of Science student's perspective and expertise
  • コロナ禍における授業・実習継続支援業務
  • Providing support for lectures and practical classes during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 学部教育用計算機群を活用した新しいオンライン授業環境の整備業務
  • Maintaining the online environment for undergraduate education
  • Webサイト管理を通じた学術成果発信強化プログラム
  • Strengthening the online communication of research results
  • 広報活動の充実および国際化
  • Strengthening and internationalization of public relations activities
  • 学生の専門技術を生かした受託分析・解析
  • Scientific analysis using a student's expertise

連絡先: 専攻事務室
Contact: Department Office

School of Science Foundation Support Program

To provide economic assistance to graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Science based on donations to the School of Science Support Fund of the University of Tokyo.


Scholarship for Female Students

To provide economic assistance to female Japanese Master's students at UTokyo.

University of Tokyo Foundation's Support Fund for International Students

外国人留学生(学部学生および大学院学生) に対し経済的支援(奨学金給付事業・見舞金給付事業・一時金貸与事業)を行うため。
To provide economic assistance to international students at all levels at UTokyo in the form of scholarships, condolence money (in the case of hospitalization), and emergency loans (in the case of financial difficulty).


Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students

For privately financed international students of all levels enrolled at universities etc. in Japan who are facing financial difficulties.

機関: 日本学生支援機構


Optics and Advanced Laser Science by Innovative Funds for Students (OASIS)

To support the education of Master's students who will work globally in advanced photon science.

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